IC2PerMed’s 1st deliverable published on the website!
We are happy to announce that our “Scoping Paper: [...]
We are happy to announce that our “Scoping Paper: [...]
"Get to know the European and Chinese landscape in [...]
IC2PerMed's article "“Integrating China in the International Consortium for [...]
On behalf of IC2PerMed and Sino-EU PerMed projects we are [...]
IC2PerMed project will hold its second e-workshop “Policies and programs [...]
欧盟委员会资助的“IC2PerMed——中国欧盟国际精准医疗联盟” 将于2021年1月19日组织召开项目线上交流会。IC2PerMed旨在成为支持中国和欧盟在个性化医疗领域的研究、创新和政策发展方面的合作与协调的沟通桥梁。 本次研讨会旨在向所有对制定中国精准医疗政策和方案感兴趣的利益相关者介绍IC2PerMed项目背景、初步成果,围绕中国与欧洲的精准医疗发展的共性问题进行讨论。交流会将帮助参与者清楚地了解该项目的目标和迄今为止关于中国和欧洲精准医疗政策方面所做的工作,希望邀请更多中国专家参与项目,推动中欧精准医疗的合作。 诚挚邀请您与会指导与交流! 会议时间:2021年1月19日 16:00-17:30 会议方式:线上会议(Zoom) https://zoom.com.cn/j/62363513874 会议将提供同声传译 会议日程:详见附件 [...]
ERA PerMed, ERA-NET programme monitored by ICPerMed consortium, fosters research [...]
IC2PerMed project will hold its first e-workshop “Policies and programs [...]
IC2PerMed project core aim is to support ICPerMed consortium developments. [...]
BBMRI-ERIC, IC2PerMed partner, proposes an interesting training for biomedical researchers [...]