About IC2PerMed

Integrating China in the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (IC2PerMed) project aims to support EU-China collaboration over the developments of Personalised Medicine research, innovations and policies through the ICPerMed initiative, providing people with access to personalised, smart and inclusive healthcare solutions in the near future.

IC2PerMed Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action aims to provide policy makers with key solutions for enabling the convergence of a common approach of Personalised Medicine under the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed) for the benefits of citizens around the world.

The project European and Chinese partners will dedicate efforts for: 

  • Mapping policies, programmes, standards and initiatives related to Personalised Medicine in Europe and China for identifying the opportunities for research collaborations

  • Structuring developments of an ecosystem of European and Chinese experts, collaborating in Working Groups centred on ICPerMed Action plan priorities

  • Exemplifying research collaboration frameworks between China and Europe for Personalised Medicine by connecting Biobanking

  • Setting bridges with key official organisms involved in the definition and implementation of PM and healthcare systems in both economic areas in international contexts, through ICPerMed as well as relevant initiatives and networks

At a time like this, during which we are facing such a huge challenge as the COVID-19 epidemics, it is even more important to cooperate and collaborate to act together for global health outcomes.” Pr. Walter Ricciardi, IC2PerMed project leader, President elected of the World Federation of Public Health Associations, Professor of Hygiene and Public Health, Director of the Department of Public Health and Deputy Head of the Faculty of Medicine at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome


Identifying Chinese and European policies, programmes, stakeholders and standards to consider and involve in developments; Envisioning benefits for healthcare ecosystems and benefits for populations


Building upon exchanges between experts in PM domains for fostering actionable approaches

Project Concept


Setting concrete practices of successful collaboration over a PM core thematic (biobanks) for illustrating and inspiring research collaborations


Creating strong bridges with key stakeholder from the EU, China and beyond, integrating Chinese stakeholder in ICPerMed and liaising with international peers