IC2PerMed project  will hold its second e-workshop “Policies and programs in the field of Personalized medicine: first results of the mapping activities of the IC2PerMed project”, which will take place on January 19th, from 4:00PM to 6:00PM CET.

This workshop will be held in Mandarin, simultaneous translation to / from English being made available to attendees. It will give Chinese participants with the opportunity to get the overview of EU-China backgrounds for cooperation on Personalised Medicine, as part of the IC2PerMed project developments, replicating IC2PerMed previous workshop held in November 2020.

This event is free and available here: https://zoom.com.cn/j/62363513874


16:00-16:10 欢迎及致辞 主持嘉宾:Lili Wang, BGI Genomics 王丽丽 华大基因
16:10-16:25 IC2PerMed:项目的目标、进程及预期结果 汇报嘉宾:Stefania Boccia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
16:25-16:45 IC2PerMed:ICPerMed与中国的桥梁 汇报嘉宾:Mary Wang, Telethon Foundation / Lili Wang, BGI Genomics 王丽丽 华大基因
16:45-17:15 中国和欧洲个性化医疗政策和已有计划的梳理 汇报嘉宾:WenYa Wang /Sylvia Zhou, Tsinghua University 王闻雅/周童心 清华大学 Timo Strohäker, Steinbeis 2i / Ilda Hoxhaj, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
17:15-17:30 个性化医疗进程:下一步该怎样做?个性化医疗体系下药品适应症、可传递性(transferability)、规模扩张(scaling up)的国际性准则 汇报嘉宾:Chiara Cadeddu, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
17:30-18:00 自由讨论及闭幕 主持嘉宾:Lili Wang, BGI Genomics 王丽丽 华大基因